Christian Aid and church leaders launch new legacies initiative
Published on 4 August 2023 2 minutes read
Over a hundred churches have signed up to an inspiring new partnership to create local and global change through gifts in wills.
For the first time ever, international development agency Christian Aid is working with the Church of Scotland, Church of England and the Quakers on a joint legacy initiative called Faith Will.

The campaign will run throughout September when church leaders, from all three denominations, will be inviting members of their congregations to consider leaving a gift in their will to their church and Christian Aid.
Christian Aid and church leaders believe wills can tell a powerful story of someone's faith and the choices we make, once we have looked after friends and family, can ensure our values live on for generations to come. Currently only around 24 percent of wills contain a specific legacy bequest, according to latest research by Remember a Charity.
Churches around the UK will be holding ‘Faith Will' moments to explore how people can leave a gift to their local church and Christian Aid, to support neighbours near and far. Visit the Christian Aid website to learn more.
Head of Christian Aid Scotland Val Brown said:
"Leaving a gift in your Will is a personal but powerful way to make a difference and create lasting change. We're delighted to join forces with our church partners to raise awareness about the impact of gifts in Wills, which we hope will inspire conversations and consideration.
"Gifts in Wills already enable a huge amount of our work, just imagine what could be possible if many more decide to leave a legacy for global social justice. It's a real opportunity to turn hope into action and create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty."
David Cameron, Convener of the Church of Scotland's Assembly Trustees, said:
"As we approach harvest time, we feel gratitude for God's enduring faithfulness and generosity.
"This joint initiative will inspire our members and supporters to consider how a legacy gift to their church and to Christian Aid can become a lasting expression of thankfulness to God.
"The Church of Scotland welcomes this partnership approach to an important aspect of our Christian stewardship."
Your faith is powerful and so is your Will
The Rt Revd Dr Rosemarie Mallett, Bishop of Croydon, said:
"When we make a Will, we actively choose what we will do with the gifts we have received in our lifetime. Planning and decision-making about these aspects of our future are important and can bring peace of mind and ensure our wishes are followed.
"If we are people of faith, then our faith should encourage us to also make an offering to God in our Will, by making a gift to churches or church organisations, so they are resourced and supported to offer God's loving work in the world.
"Our gifts can be a legacy to ensure we can act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God."
And Paul Parker, Recording Clerk from Quakers in Britain, said:
"Leaving a gift in our Will to support both Quaker work and charities like Christian Aid means our lives can speak beyond our own lifetime.
"We're glad to join with other churches and Christian Aid in this Faith Will campaign."
A range of free resources, including a short film and leaflets for congregations is available on Christian Aid's website.
You can find the report on wills on the Remember A Charity website.