Congregations invited to take part in ‘The Red Chair Project’ for 16 Days of Activism
Published on 14 November 2024 2 minutes read
Congregations are invited to mark the UN's 16 Days of Activism against gender based-violence, which runs from 25 November to 10 December, by taking part in ‘The Red Chair Project'.
The campaign, which is being led by the Christian charity Restored, aims to raise awareness that around the world a woman or girl is killed every 11 minutes by a family member or intimate partner.

Churches and community groups can get involved by placing an empty chair, which can be draped in a red fabric, in a prominent place as a symbol of the many women and girls who have been killed through gender-based violence across the world. The chair can be used to display information about domestic abuse and violence against women.
Ms Sally Sheail, who is a Reader in Fife Presbytery, became the convener or Integrity after this year's General Assembly, said:
"It is a sad reality that most of us will know someone who has been affected by gender-based violence and abuse.
"The empty chairs serve as a reminder of friends and family who have experienced abuse, as well as a reminder to those who are affected. To know they are not alone. It is a simple, but effective way to raise awareness about gender-based violence and will hopefully encourage conversations across the Church on this important issue."
"As a Christian, I am reminded of lines from Micah: ‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.'
"I encourage our congregations to take part and show that we care."
‘The Red Chair Project' was begun by Christians in the UK in 2022 and is based on a successful campaign run by French Churches called ‘Une place pour Elles', or ‘A place for Them'.
Restored, an organisation aiming to raise awareness of domestic abuse, support survivors, and equip churches to do the same, have also produced prayers and preaching notes for congregations to use.
Every year in November the Church of Scotland joins in with the UN Women's 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence.
Begun in 1991, it is an annual international campaign which starts on 25 November with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and runs through to Human Rights Day on 10 December.
Individuals and organisations around the world use 16 Days of Activism to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
Take part
- Congregations are encouraged to leave an empty chair in a public space within their church or in another suitable location.
- The chair is covered in red fabric (ribbons, or a red plastic chair also work just as well).
- Congregations are encouraged to leave an empty chair in a public space within their church or in another suitable location.
- Add your chair to Restored's photo gallery by emailing a photo of your chair to Or tag Restored on social media (@Rest0reduk on Facebook, @Rest0red on Twitter/X, and @restoreduk on Instagram).
- If you would like to, you can also share the picture with the Church of Scotland by emailing Please note this may be shared on the Church of Scotland's social media channels.
Download free resources including preaching notes and prayers from Restored.