Protocol and roles in arranging training locally
As described earlier, it is the responsibility of the Safeguarding Presbytery Contact to identify needs and organise courses in partnership with Safeguarding Coordinators and the local Safeguarding Trainer, accordingly.
Click on the headings below for more information.
The Safeguarding Presbytery Contact shall:
- Monitor demand for congregational safeguarding training within their own presbytery by liaising with Congregational Safeguarding Coordinators and presbytery
- Liaise with the accredited Volunteer Safeguarding Trainer(s) to agree a programme of dates for training courses
- Where there is no accredited trainer within a presbytery, the presbytery contact shall request the Safeguarding Training Officer to make arrangement for an accredited trainer to attend on a mutually acceptable date(s)
- Arrange access to suitable video conferencing if training is online and send out any required information or pre-reading
- If training is face to face, arrange suitable venues, having consideration for:
- Accessibility both by public transport and physically for persons with restricted mobility
- Participant comfort (seating, heating, and light)
- Refreshment and toilet facilities
- Liaise with the trainer to provide or organise provision of technical and other requirements for training dates
- Notify the Safeguarding Service of the course type, dates and venues so that details can be entered onto the training calendar
- Notify all Safeguarding Coordinators and presbytery of the upcoming courses
- Act as a point of contact for persons enquiring about details of the courses and registration of participants
- Provide the trainer and participants with accurate details of each venue location and course (if training is online, provide joining instructions)
- Ensure that documents needed for courses are available (this can sometimes be done by the trainer themselves but should be agreed between the Safeguarding Presbytery Contact and Safeguarding Trainer).
The Safeguarding Service shall:
- Provide Trainers with course programme materials that are current and have been assessed as fit for purpose
- Monitor, assess and accredit Safeguarding Trainers
- Input details of upcoming training on the Safeguarding Service training calendar on the Church of Scotland website
- Arrange for the Safeguarding Training Officer or an accredited Trainer to present the course where there is none available within the presbytery
- Have an overview of the provision of training nationally to ensure an adequate spread of courses geographically and time-wise
- Pay the reasonable expenses of trainers who travel to another presbytery
The Safeguarding Trainer shall:
- Liaise with the Safeguarding Presbytery Contact to agree suitable dates for training and maximum numbers of participants for the training courses
- Make further contact with the Safeguarding Presbytery Contact, at least 21 days prior to the course dates, to confirm course details and a participant list if possible
- Ensure, as far as is possible, that the necessary equipment is available and in working order
- Ensure that documents needed for courses are available
Presbytery Reform: Suggested roles for bigger presbyteries
With the newer, bigger presbyteries being formed, the Safeguarding Service has looked at the roles above and has some additional suggestions to consider. These suggestions follow from the fact that there will be a much greater geographical spread and bigger workload particularly in relation to the administration requirements of safeguarding training.
In bigger presbyteries, the Safeguarding Service would recommend that three roles be created in presbytery:
- Safeguarding Contact (one person)
- Safeguarding Trainer (a number of people)
- Safeguarding Administrators (one or a number of people)
The Safeguarding Service advises that the people in these roles form a sub-committee of the Stewardship and Oversight Committee (or another relevant committee) to ensure all aspects of safeguarding are covered in the new Presbytery.
The Presbytery Safeguarding Contact would be the person to convene meetings and either represent safeguarding at those meetings or nominate someone else to do so.
A suggestion of how duties could be split, based on the current job descriptions detailed above, is outlined below (Preferred option: some administrative work is done by presbytery employee/secretary)
In smaller presbyteries the role of Safeguarding Contact would include the work done below by a volunteer administrator or presbytery employee/secretary as detailed in the original role description earlier.
Safeguarding role descriptions
Safeguarding contact
- Raise awareness and promote the benefits of safeguarding training within your presbytery and be the lead contact for Safeguarding Coordinators in terms of reporting their training needs
- Identify all safeguarding training needs throughout the Presbytery and, in consultation with Trainers and the Safeguarding Administrator, plan an annual programme of courses to meet identified need
- Liaise with existing Safeguarding Trainers, Administrators and the National Safeguarding Training Officer to assess whether there are sufficient Safeguarding trainers to meet current and future needs
- Liaise with Safeguarding Trainers and the National Safeguarding Training Officer where there are reported concerns about the quality of training
- Arrange meetings 2-3 times per year with trainers, administrators and coordinators
- Keep up to date with developments in safeguarding and represent your Presbytery at safeguarding conferences and roadshows
- Be the lead for liaising with other committees in presbytery regarding the running of Local Church Reviews and any other aspects of Presbytery business
- Liaise with the Safeguarding Administrator to ensure that annual statistics or any other requests for statistics made by the Safeguarding Service are met
- Ensure Safeguarding Trainers are adequately resourced and supported to enable them to present courses.
- Deliver training for Trustees, Coordinators, and those undertaking regulated work
- Deliver safeguarding training using materials and resources provided or approved by the Safeguarding Service and by your Presbytery
- Ensure an accurate record of attendance is taken on the day of training and update Safeguarding Administrator for recording
- Submit evaluation forms upon request from the Safeguarding Service
- Through the National Safeguarding Service, keep up-to-date with developments in safeguarding and safeguarding training and represent your presbytery at safeguarding events.
Volunteer Safeguarding Administrator(s) and/or Presbytery Employee/Secretary
- Take forward dates identified by Safeguarding Presbytery Contact and Trainers and make practical arrangements for courses
- Publicise the location, dates and times of courses. Notify the Safeguarding Service of these so that the courses might be advertised nationally.
- Receive requests for places on arranged courses and ensure all resources are in place / sent out as required (before and after the course)
- Maintain accurate records of the number, type, and location of all training courses carried out in the Presbytery
- Collate/monitor evaluation information and offer feedback to trainers/Safeguarding Presbytery Contact.