Volunteer Safeguarding Trainer
Title of Post: Volunteer Safeguarding Trainer
Responsible to: Appointing Presbytery
Supported by: Safeguarding Training Officer, Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service
Main purpose of post: To deliver Safeguarding training in Church of Scotland congregations.
Principal duties and responsibilities
In conjunction with the Presbytery Safeguarding Contact and the Safeguarding Service, arrange and deliver safeguarding training for those individuals required to attend
Deliver safeguarding training using materials and resources provided or approved by the Safeguarding Service and by your presbytery
Ensure an accurate record of attendance is taken
Submit training records and submit evaluation forms upon request
Through the Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service keep up to date with developments in safeguarding and safeguarding training.
Skills and Experience
- Experience and knowledge of safeguarding (child protection and/or adult support and protection)
- Evidence of experience and ability to deliver training. It is desirable that candidates have experience of delivering training, from which skills can be transferred, and even better, but not essential, if that training was related to safeguarding.
- Experience of using varied methods of delivering training
- Effective organisational, administrative, and interpersonal skills
- Good IT skills