Faithshare guidelines
The Faithshare Visitor Programme helps Scottish and overseas congregations and presbyteries to pursue the idea of a Twinning and the development and strengthening of their Twinning. It provides travel grants to allow members of twinned congregations, presbyteries, and other groups to travel to each other's countries. It may also be used as a tool by Councils within the Church of Scotland or by organisations that the Church of Scotland is in partnership with; to bring or send an individual or small groups of visitors for a specific reason, to Scotland or overseas. The Faithshare Visitor Programme can also be used by those accepted for study leave.
The Faithshare Visitor Programme promotes a flexible approach in that the visit can be made by one person or a small group, which means that more people in congregations, presbyteries, and other groups can become involved in the experience. The visits will tend to last for a short period of time, normally two to three weeks This time length is relatively easy for the host congregations to organise, for the visitor to make necessary arrangements at their end, and it encourages a varied mix of people to become involved with the visit. The Programme provides a grant that facilitates the opportunity for congregations and presbyteries to invite visitors. The host congregation or Presbytery is responsible for the preparation for travellers; planning of the visit, including the programme; hospitality; and incidental costs. These should be organised together with your twin.
A Faithshare Visitor Grant will only be allocated to visits in relation to the Church of Scotland, partner churches and organisations.
1. Applications will be considered from those who seek to develop or sustain a "Twinning".
2. Special consideration will be given to applications from Priority Area congregations.
3. Special consideration will be given to applications for 'young people' up to the age of 25.
4. Applications will be considered from other Church of Scotland Councils, Committees and related agencies, with a view to developing a world church dimension to their work.
5. Applications will be considered from those who have been accepted for study leave, if the purpose of the visit is to a Church of Scotland partner.
6. All persons receiving Faithshare Visitor Grants must be members of Church of Scotland congregations/presbyteries or partner churches/organisations.
1. Flight tickets will normally be arranged by the Senior Administrator, but they can be arranged by the group or individual on agreement with the Twinning and Local Development Secretary.
2. Travel insurance for all Faithshare Visitors is arranged by the Senior Administrator. If there will be visitors aged 18 and under and 70 and over taking part in a visit, this must be highlighted to the Senior Administrator.
3. Supporting documents for visa applications will be issued by the Senior Administrator in support of the visit.
4. A report of the visit must be submitted within 2 months of return, including information which can be published by World Mission in their resources. The report should include stories from the visit and digital photographs.
Application Process
1. Contact the Faith Action Team to obtain a Grant Request Form, either by email or post:
Tel: 0131 225 5722
2. Applications should be submitted for consideration by the Local Development Committee. A Faithshare Visitor Grant will only be considered when submitted on the appropriate form.
3. Confirmation of a Faithshare Visitor Grant will be issued within 2 weeks of it being considered by the Local Development Committee. This will be sent to you along with further documents for completion and information.
4. Once completed, send the completed form/s to the Senior Administrator who will process the flight itinerary, insurance documents and supporting visa application documents.
5. The Visit Co-ordinator will receive the proposed flight itinerary to approve.
6. The flight booking will be confirmed by the Senior Administrator.
7. The Senior Administrator will email or post flight tickets and travel insurance documents to the Visit Co-ordinator.
8. On return the visit report should be submitted along with digital photos to the Senior Administrator.