Responding to disclosures of harm or abuse, or risk of abuse
The Safeguarding Service responds to disclosures in the following ways:
Managing safeguarding referrals
The service provides verbal and written guidance in situations where harm or abuse is witnessed, suspected or reported to members of the Church and CrossReach Social Care Council services.
The Safeguarding Service also provide this expertise and guidance to the United Reformed Church in Scotland as well as the Boys' Brigade and Girls' Brigade in Scotland.
Establishing Covenants of Responsibilities
The service advises and works alongside Safeguarding Panels working with those who pose a risk to ensure their safe inclusion in worship.
The Church has a rigorous system of support and monitoring in place based on the use of Covenants of Responsibilities, which are written and regularly reviewed agreements between those who pose a risk and the congregation. Often this involves joint working with Criminal Justice Social Work services and/or the police.
For details of how to contact the Safeguarding Service, please see the Contacting the Safeguarding Service section of the handbook introduction.